Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Brett's 1st Fishing Trip!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
The Sweetest Thing :)
I love my life! I love my family!
Alan Hunting
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Brett, Hattie, & Cade!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
1st pics of Baby #2!
I went to the doctor yesterday just for a check up and the Sono. Tech. gave me these pics of the baby! It was so awesome to watch that tiny little person moving all around inside my belly :) She said I am measuring 13 weeks which is right on target and the heartbeat is still 157! Maybe girl??? We weren't checking for the sex of the baby, so I don't know that yet :(
We showed Brett the pics of the baby and told him that this is his little brother or little sister! He was so excited and started telling me, "Mommy, you have baby in your tummy?" He is so cute when he talks about the baby :) We showed him the baby's head and nose and mouth and hand! Then we would show the next pic to Brett and he would tell us where everything on the baby is! So far, Brett is doing really good about excepting the new addition :)